So, prompted by our advisory board, Mr Falletti and I have been rewriting the business plan for FP. I've been surprised at how interesting it's been, but - in the interests of testing assumptions - would be interested in thoughts anyone reading this has on a few observations we've made. Some are (hopefully) blindingly obvious, others may be slightly more contentious:

  • The web industry is moving towards mobile. The web services industry (i.e. digital agencies and the like) will likely follow.
  • Consumers are becoming more comfortable consuming pure-digital content. Where music led, print and film are following.
  • Applications have experienced a popular resurgence, predominately on iPhone but shortly elsewhere. Long-term they are a viable route for delivering services.
  • iPhone has convinced service providers that targeting a few high-value but niche audiences is a workable strategy in some situations.
  • Operators are slowly losing ground to device vendors, to whom end-users have always shown more loyalty. The industry is being redefined by fresh entrants (Apple, Google, Palm, RIM) who, whilst clearly pursuing their own agendas, are proving more convincingly "open" than operators have been.
  • Mobile advertising has been about to arrive for nearly a decade. Whilst budgets are still low, there's plenty of room for growth, and interest from the advertising industry.