More bits and pieces from MEX since my last post:

  1. What's the cost to the operator or handset vendor of adding in context-aware features, compared to the (commercial) benefit?
  2. 61% of women carry a phone in their handback. 60% of men in right trouser pocket.
  3. A great presentation from Argo Group showing off real-world results from their test suite: response times for text messages during NYE, what happens when things go wrong with MMS delivery: "you need to think like the user, test like an engineer"
  4. Fantastic break-out session with Christian Lindholm, Scott Weiss and chums: including revelations about large internet portals taking a more scientific approach to usability than handset vendors; the need of insight and intuition to make great products (whereas usability can get you to "good");
  5. Measuring device usability by counting numbers of support calls generated;
  6. Christian wondering out loud why the Motorola Z8 has such a Series-60 like UI during a panel session including Matthew Menz, Head of Interaction Design at Motorola :)
  7. Annti Ohrling of Blyk talking about their research and their intention to concentrate on text-message push marketing

All this, and a verbal kicking from James Pearce too, after I ventured the idea that fragmentation (as a consequence of open standards) was in one way an opportunity for companies like FP (or others who are out there solving device fragmentation problems - Argo Group, Volantis, etc.). Never been told that I should be ashamed of myself by a speaker at a conference before :)

Nice to catch up with you afterwards tho James :)