• The Guardian runs a piece of iPhone apps, sensibly pointing out that not everyone developing apps is a millionaire just yet.
  • That said, apps seems to be selling faster than songs did: "It took Apple more than two years to sell 1 billion songs on iTunes, so it's going to hit 1 billion apps about three times faster."
  • Lovely if frightening piece on the Register about the mobile as self-inflicted surveillance: "There are already two documented cases in Europe where not carrying a mobile phone was considered one of the grounds for arrest"
  • The panopticon ain't all bad, depending on who's doing the watching;
  • Some fairly obvious video chat patents for the iPhone;
  • US mobile carriers want fewer OSs, film at 11, though why any carrier wants to get involved with supplying "a unified development environment" to provide cross-device consistency is beyond me. Developer support is probably the one thing operators have been worse at than being media companies (with a few exceptions I won't go into now, so everyone I know at operators thinks I'm talking about them).
  • Sulake are doing a mobile virtual world, and about time too.
  • Nokia have launched the Ovi store, though please god don't let them use "location sensing and social networks" to start recommending applications.
  • Android went priced, and about time too. We've had surprisingly high download figures for some simple Android apps - hmm, I need to write a piece about that....