Nokia Games Summit 2007: Nokia Device Strategy, Vesa Jokitulppo A year ago in the UK was the first time that features became the most important purchasing reason for mobile phones. Games are a big part of this. Consumer segmentation: Nokia think they ran the largest-ever study for an electronics company, looking at social demographics, mobile usage, general needs, attitudes to work, play, friends, etc. They plot everyone on 2 axes: involvement (how much they make use of mobile) and attitude (running from rational to aspirational: pragmatism, use of phone as a style accessory, etc). A large number of consumer segments are mapped onto these axes. These axes map to 4 product categories: Explore ("sharing discovery": early adopters, N Series), Live ("inspiring self-expression": phone as an extension to personality, 8800/5000 range), Connect ("progressive simplicity": balancing style with end-user benefits like battery life, etc., 6000 or 3000) and Achieve ("achieving together": serious business devices, E Series). They're not grouped on mobile phone behaviour, which changes over time. e.g. Explore users are keen gamers today, but gaming will move out beyond this category over time. They want product categories to last over time. Why do people within these product categories play games? Explore: competition, community, newness. Live: win for confidence. Connect: mainly through children. Achieve: to relax. Explore have more gaming drivers than the others, and is the #1 opportunity for gaming; Live is the next one Nice chart of how propensity to purchase mobile phone for gaming maps against these product categories and segments. Shows off geographic differences; in India the Achieve segment is almost non-existent and Connect is very small; Live and Explore are both well-represented though. Perhaps because purchases are a higher percentage of income over there, so the phone becomes more of a statement and is a more considered purchase driven by capability and features? Games usage is highest in India, Nigeria, Italy. Series 60 as %age of shipped phones is increasing; Series 40 remains about the same; Series 30 is dropping off. Console games require an appointment to play - mobile games can be played any time. Touch screens will allow a large visible area for a relatively small area - opening up a few innovation ideas. Different consumer segments need different types of games and different levels of immersiveness. Landscape gaming and dedicated gaming keys are what make a big difference to gamers. This is important in the Explore category. Very interesting.