We're just heading into the final leg of a project we've been working on for the last few months.

I've done the 24-hour working day thing in the past, and I don't really subscribe to the slightly macho "we're going to work every day and night to get this done" meme which can sometimes afflict our industry. Aside from the personal cost (believe it or not, some folks outside our industry don't get it at all!) this is for practical reasons: when I'm exhausted I don't find my thinking all that clear; and doing things that don't involve staring at a screen is a great way to recharge my batteries, making the hours at the office more valuable. If someone's routinely working every hour that god sends indefinitely, there's a problem somewhere.

But... towards the end of a long project there's momentum built, a looming deadline, polish to apply, and things to tweak: long days and short weekends will follow. So the next fortnight I'm up early, getting plenty of exercise, and trying to eat healthily...